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Tympan is an Open Source Hearing Aid development platform. We are committed to open source and believe that in doing so we can accelerate research studies and facilitate translation of novel algorithms into widespread use. Our goal is to lower barriers for hardware and software refinement, and facilitate translation of these advances into use in hearing aids, cochlear implants, and consumer electronics devices.  

Core group of developers is comprised of peers at the engineering firm Creare and The Auditory Signal Processing Laboratory at Boys Town National Research Hospital. Tympan supported by a grant from the National Institute of Health in partnership with the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders. Tympan has been in development since 2016, and Rev C has been externally validated. Currently we are selling Rev F, along with some tools for extending Tympan capabilities

 Our Team

Chip Audette is a research engineer at Creare LLC. Chip has a long-standing interest in audio and speech processing, in embedded processing systems, and in hearing conservation. For Tympan, Chip has been leading the initial system design and prototyping, including the development of the initial firmware.

Daniel Rasetshwane directs the Auditory Signal Processing Laboratory at Boys Town National Research Hospital. His research interests include design and evaluation of audio signal processing algorithms for hearing aids, use of loudness as a supra threshold measure of cochlear function, understating supra threshold heading deficits and hidden hearing loss, acoustic reluctance, acoustic emissions, and cochlear mechanics. For Tympan, Daniel develops and implements innovative hearing aid algorithms.

Stephen Neely is currently the director of the Communication Engineering Laboratory at Boys Town National Research Hospital. His research interests have focused primarily on modeling cochlear mechanics, and Steve has shared his algorithms and software for many years on the audres website. On this project, Steve develops and implements new hearing aid algorithms.

Odile Clavier is a research engineer at Creare LLC. Her general areas of interest include dynamics, controls, and precision engineering with an emphasis on biomedical applications. She has a lot of experience with hearing assessment technology as well as mobile health applications. For this Open Source Hearing Aid, Odile is the lead investigator: she keeps the team moving forward toward a platform that successfully meets the needs of the hearing research community.

Joel Murphy is heading the community building and commercialization teams for Tympan, leading the build of the official website, forum, and blog. He has a longstanding interest in creating sustainable Open Source Hardware projects. His background is in kinetic sculpture, and he taught Physical Computing at Parsons The New School For Design for 8 years between 2006 and 2014. He is the co-founder of two open-source hardware startups: Pulse Sensor and OpenBCI.

Neil Murphy provides info-graphics and web visuals for the Tympan project. His career paths have led him through audio engineering, music and sound design, graphic and web design, and fine arts. Many of his current fine art themes deriv from neuroscience topics.

Addie Wagenknecht is heading the web development, server side and technical community management for Tympan. She worked as the chair of the open hardware summit for seven years at MIT prior to joining the team and is the co-developer of the open source Lasersaur. She is an artist represented by multiple galleries in New York City and Europe.

 If you are interested in becoming would part of the next generation of hearing aids, reach out to us via